If a higher secondary student fails
to grow during his first stage of development on all the three axis, he moves to the graduation stage and
faces several difficulties and challenges. But, at least,he has second chance to correct the growth if he knows early enough.
In his pre-final or final year of graduation, he will display one or more of the traits of these three type of students : either he becomes an Academically Intelligent student, Smart Outgoing student, or Bored Confused student.
Here is a brief description of each type and what they can do to 'restart' the process of their growth.
In his pre-final or final year of graduation, he will display one or more of the traits of these three type of students : either he becomes an Academically Intelligent student, Smart Outgoing student, or Bored Confused student.
Here is a brief description of each type and what they can do to 'restart' the process of their growth.
Academically Intelligent student (
50-60%) - over-development on the axis of IQ Management
These students grow only on one axis of IQ management,
because they believe that academic education is the most important facet of
career development. Either their IQ is on the higher side, or they are blessed
with the right teachers and guidance. They enjoy the learning and pride
themselves in their knowledge.
However, their growth is one dimensional. As
these students do not learn to 'Regulate Self', they always seem unsure of
themselves. They talk the least in a group of strangers. Their body language
displays lack of confidence. They dither and vacillate over every decision.
They get distracted easily by what others say and think. Because they
understand little about their mind, they are confused about what to do next and
typically follow their friends.
Because they do not understand 'interdependence'
and its use in their life, they withdraw in their shell. They become part of
one group and stick to it. If this group is stable and helpful to each other, they are at least lucky to have developed a skill of working together.
For these students, the first challenge is to learn
the interdependence of skill markets so that they can get the desired job and get the playground to practice their skills. If
they do not learn the interdependence of markets and domains, they will
constantly struggle to find their playground. They must also learn to
Understand Self, to decide what to do next and not get sucked up in
following others. More importantly, if they do not learn to see the invisible
path of unfolding of their potential, they will never get what their higher
marks and intelligence promised them.
Smart Outgoing student ( 10-20%) - Over-development on the axis of Understand and
Exploit Interdependence
Students who grow on this axis are the one's who at least understand the interdependence of people ( if not markets and domains) and become
the extrovert types. They understand the benefit of interacting with different
students and learn to present themselves in the best light. They take active
part in cultural and other events of college. They become action-oriented. In
the process of interacting with students, they learn one important skill : the
skill of relating with people. This helps them considerably in the next phase
of working career.
If they are smart, they learn to score good marks
without studying in depth. Such students win the awards of best student of the
year. However, if they do not get high marks, they may lack the assurance, but
carry themselves well due to their outgoing nature. Because of their ability to present themselves, they generally get their Practice ground( the job )they want.
For this student, the first challenge is to
utilise his 'confidence' to develop in-depth knowledge of a specific subject or
a specific area. This focus is necessary for him to guide his IQ in the
development of in-depth knowledge. He also must learn to curb his instinct of
action (Regulate his Self ) so that he can perform meaningful work. If he does not regulate his Self, he constantly feels dissatisfied with his job.
Bored and confused student ( 30-40%)- Underdevelopment on all three axis
This student does not grow enough on either of
three axis: neither on intelligence, interdependence, or his self.
Because he is unable to use his intelligence, he is bored and
demotivated. Because the student is unable to make sense of the interdependent
environment around him, he is confused. And because he is unable to
regulate his Self, he looks like a person waiting to be rescued.
This student feels like a fish out of water and
blames everything and everyone. He is already looking for other options of
post graduation. For instance, you will find many IIT Engineers in third year already planning to do MBAs. I know of a CA student who left his CA work to go in Film making. If this student can afford, he exits from his chosen education path immediately after graduation. In his situation, this is a better alternative!
Professors and teachers blame these students because they seem to lack any initiative. They are also blamed for not finishing anything that is given to them. These students often blame wrong choice of their career path for their current state. They lack any anchor, and seem to be killing time. Because of lack of good teachers and the ever increasing complexity of interconnected systems, this category of students are increasing day by day.
Professors and teachers blame these students because they seem to lack any initiative. They are also blamed for not finishing anything that is given to them. These students often blame wrong choice of their career path for their current state. They lack any anchor, and seem to be killing time. Because of lack of good teachers and the ever increasing complexity of interconnected systems, this category of students are increasing day by day.
Their biggest challenge to restart their growth
cycle is to find some 'area or work' ( a practice ground) where they can find their feet, gain back
their confidence, and find a new target. They need lot of hand-holding
initially to navigate and learn something. Without this help, their career growth stalls. As these students may have got
good marks in the 10th and 12th class, they blame their luck for having missed
the boat of career growth!
In which category do you fall? And what are you doing about it?