If you have understood the unfolding
of cognitive talent, perception management is an 'Achilles heel' for many
of the cognitive performers.
Perception is a subjective interpretation of observed facts. If I
meet you in a office for 15 minutes, and you conclude after our meeting that
" I am unprofessional', that is a perception. It is based on subjective
interpretation of the 'facts that you observed in the 15 minutes'. It may be
accurate or inaccurate. But many decisions are based on perceptions. Due to reasons, as we see below, perception is dominant in companies.
Why do we always use perception to evaluate others
But if you pause for a while, you will appreciate that even you
also use perception to evaluate others most
of the time.
When you go out to buy a soap, are you evaluating the soap based
on its chemical and purifying attributes, or on subjective brand features
of the soap? When you choose X doctor in comparison to Y, do you compare their
professional merit or do you choose on the basis of their clinic's get-up and
doctor's manner of speech? When you evaluate your TV mechanic/automobile
mechanic, do you evaluate them on their 'deep knowledge and merit' or on their
'dress and manner of speech'?
Why do we use perception more often than objective facts to
decide? It is because of two reasons: either we do not have enough 'time' or enough 'ability' to evaluate. While buying soap we
should evaluate the 'soaps chemical characteristics and its benefits' to us.
But as we think that we will not gain enough 'value from the effort', we
conclude 'time versus value' trade-off is not beneficial. Consequently,
we do not spent the necessary time in evaluating soap !
When we are buying a high priced car though, we do spend much more
time to collect more 'objective facts' on cars. But we hit another barrier :
the barrier of specialisation. Even if the carmaker gives us all the objective
information about car engine,gear and other parts, we do not have the
'cognitive ability' to evaluate, because that needs understanding of special
domain called automobile engineering. Due to the same barrier of
specialisation, we cannot evaluate the 'speciality of doctor's medicine' even
when the doctor is saving our life.
Limited time at our disposal and the continuing 'super
specialisation' in today's world ( which makes it impossible for us to evaluate
these specialist fields)forces all of us to use 'perception' more than we like.Advertising industry not only understands
our limitation, it exploits it fully. Although we can crib about it as much as
we want, we cannot do anything about it because the root-cause is 'systemic'.
Why is perception management critical in work-life
Our key evaluators - be it bosses, superbosses, colleagues and customers - almost always,
evaluate us with 'subjective' interpretation of what they observe in us when we meet them for the first time.
When researchers studied the impact of 'perception' in a 15 minute
selection interview, they were surprised. They found that interviewers evaluate
the interviewee in the first 3 minutes, and spend rest of time in 'confirming'
the initial judgement made in 3 minutes. Perception, in other words, create
virtuous cycle (depending on how you see it) that determine the final
evaluation. In psychology, this is called as primacy
bias, and despite the care taken to reduce it, it remains dominant !
Given the high degree of specialisation in a company, and given
the 'time scarcity' of senior executives, perceptions are heavily used to
evaluate employees in a company more than the objective facts. With bosses, with whom we have constant interaction, the role of perception may get reduced. However, with other key evaluators in an organisation, it is perception that matters. Whether you like it or not, you live in the imperfect world ! I know of several individuals in companies who
survive in an organisation just on the basis of managing perception.
Four principles of Perception management
Perception management is done to ensure that your 'evaluator' will
evaluate you 'positively' in the 'short initial interactions' until there is
sufficient time for them to assess your 'merit'.
If you help others to perceive you in positive manner, it will
multiply your opportunities and open your access to important people in the
organisation. Negative perceptions, on the other hand, means that you have lost
the battle even before you have entered the battleground.
To help others perceive you positively,
follow these four generic principles:
1. Remember 'packaging' creates +ve perception, because it is
difficult to understand and evaluate 'content inside the package'. Remember
this rule all the time.
That is why body language, manner of walking, proper dress,
personal grooming, use of branded accessories such as phones and belts create lasting impact than anything else. Use them skillfully. For instance, i always advise professionals to wear 'dark shaded' trousers and 'light shaded' shirts in
corporate world because that is the 'norm' in companies. Wearing 'gaudy'
colours creates -ve perception.
2. Perceptions are 'subjective interpretations'. Therefore,
find the meaning attached by your
evaluators to key concepts
effort to understand the 'exact meaning' of concepts such as 'good
performance', 'hard work', 'smartness' of your key evaluators.
For instance, some bosses evaluate performance of their juniors,
based on their 'team-coordination qualities' and not on 'individual
contribution'. Some bosses call juniors as 'hard-working' only when they are
seen sitting in the office beyond 7 pm. Some bosses consider a junior 'smart' ,
only when he can prepare a 'jazy ppt'.
Howsoever subjective these 'qualities' may be defined by bosses, one has to
'adhere' to them during the 'initial period' of work acclimatization with
them. On the other hand, because we interact with 'super-bosses',
customers and other colleagues infrequently, perception management has to be done
'constantly' with them.
3. Follow the protocols of behaviour that is prevalent in your
Every organisation has a protocol for the events such as
'disagreeing in a group', 'attending meetings', 'taking personal calls while
in meeting', 'writing emails to insiders and outsiders', 'manner of talking in
a public place like staircases, corridor or canteens', 'manner of interaction
in conference calls' and so on.
Take extra effort to understand these protocols and follow them
'rigidly' without questioning it. If you do not follow them, you are seen as 'black sheep'.
4. Work actively to help evaluators 'assess ' your merit, so
that dependence on perception is reduced
your field is 'specialised', you have to help others to 'evaluate' your merit
appropriately. If you are a 'good hardware engineer' you have to educate others to help them evaluate your 'speciality of hardware engineering'. I know it is hard work. But it is catch-22 situation for you. To evaluate you appropriately, you have to work hard on 'educating others'. If you do not educate, you still have to work hard on managing their perception, because - without your help- they will keep relying on perception. Both options require hard work. Which option do you prefer?.
management is not 'showing off' or 'branding' for creating the 'right
impression'. It is a strategy meant to ensure that your key evaluators
'understand' your merit and do not get put off by the 'initial impression'. If
the initial impression is created wrongly, you have to take extra effort to
'undo' the impression. Perception management helps you reduce your 'undoing'
effort and start on the 'strong footing' right from the beginning.